Conference Sponsor Registration
Please make your check out to Mississippi Women for Ag, and note in the memo CONFERENCE SPONSOR.
Mail to:
834 Hwy 12 W, Suite 254
Starkville, MS 39759
MWA Annual Conference Sponsorship Levels (Individual or Business)
Platinum Sponsor(s): $2,000.00
Sponsorship includes:
- Corporate logo and sponsorship recognition on all printed materials
- Logo with name and representatives in the program
- Includes four complementary State Conference registrations.
- Recognition in all event press releases, including flyers on Facebook and in the market bulletin.
- Logo and hyperlink to business in the MWA website, with names of representatives
- Fee waived for company booth space at the conference.
Gold Sponsor(s): $1,000.00
Sponsorship Includes:
- Corporate logo & and sponsorship recognition on all printed materials including the conference program.
- Logo in the program
- Includes three complementary State Conference registrations.
- Recognition in all event press release
- Verbal recognition during the State Conference
- Logo and hyperlink to business on the MWA website
- Fee waived for company booth space at the conference.
Silver Sponsor(s): $500.00
Sponsorship Includes:
- Sponsorship recognition on all printed materials including the conference program.
- Includes two complementary State Conference registrations.
- Hyperlink to business on the MWA website
- Fee waived for company booth space at the conference.
Friends of Mississippi Agriculture: $250.00
Sponsorship Includes:
- Includes one complimentary State conference registration.
- Name of company on website
- Listing in the conference program.
- Fee waived for company booth space at the conference.
Sponsorship Notes
- All sponsors may take advantage of the opportunity to provide an advertising item to be included in event guest bags.
- Sponsors are encouraged to provide an auction item. Item must be a minimum of $25. The money raised by the auction will go towards scholarships.
- Please make your check out to MWA and mail it to:
Mississippi Women for Agriculture, 834 Hwy 12 West Suite 254, Starkville, MS 39759 - Please email a short blurb about your company along with your company logo to Julie White (
Other Sponsorship Opportunities
- Sponsor a $50 gift card giveaway. Your logo will be on the screen during the drawing and your company will be announced as sponsoring the gift card giveaway. There is no limit as to how much you would like to donate. If you donate $100, that will be two giveaways sponsored by your company.
- Sponsor a meal. A sign will be made with your logo and your logo will be on the screen during the meal, your company will be announced as the meal sponsor. Contact Julie White ( for more information on this.
- Sponsor name badges, lanyards, goodie bags, or other items needed for the conference.
- If your company would just like to set up a company booth: The fee is $200.